Secrets of a CRA Recruiter

Benefits of Staying Positive During the Job Search

craresources Season 2 Episode 43

There is no doubt about it…conducting a job search can be stressful. Creating an eye-catching resume and personal brand → stressful. Applying for jobs → stressful. Being ghosted → stressful. Receiving rejections → stressful. Winning interviews → exciting but stressful. Waiting for a job offer → stressful. Not receiving a job offer → stressful. Alternatively, receiving a job offer can also be stressful. It would be easy to become negative. But did you know staying positive during the job search can improve your results? 

Clinical Research Operations Professional Damien Hall does. And research agrees. 

  • The Mayo Clinic shows study results that prove positive thinking reduces stress. 
  • Mental Health America describes research that shows pessimistic people die earlier than those who are optimistic. 
  • And Harvard Health research shows that a positive mindset can help your heart health. 
  • And for women with breast cancer, the NIH shows a study that shows how optimism has a significant impact on mental and physical well-being and thus better outcomes.

Has Damien’s job search road been easy? Absolutely not. However, Damien has focused on staying positive through the job search and has received blessings because of his mindset. Join us as he shares how he has woven positivity into his personal brand as well as his approach to the job search.
